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Developing with Databend using Python

Databend offers the following Python packages enabling you to develop Python applications that interact with Databend:

  • databend-py: Provides a direct interface to the Databend database. It allows you to perform standard Databend operations such as user login, database and table creation, data insertion/loading, and querying.

  • databend-sqlalchemy: Provides a SQL toolkit and Object-Relational Mapping to interface with the Databend database. SQLAlchemy is a popular SQL toolkit and ORM for Python, and databend-SQLAlchemy is a dialect for SQLAlchemy that allows you to use SQLAlchemy to interact with Databend.

To install the latest databend-py or databend-sqlalchemy package:

# install databend_py
pip install databend_py

# install databend-sqlalchemy
pip install databend-sqlalchemy

Both packages require Python version 3.5 or higher to run, so before using them, make sure that your Python environment meets the requirements. To check your Python version, run "python --version" in your command prompt.

In the following tutorial, you'll learn how to utilize the packages above to develop your Python applications. The tutorial will walk you through creating a SQL user in Databend and then writing Python code to create a table, insert data, and perform data queries.


You can also connect to and interact with Databend from Jupyter Notebook. For more information, see Jupyter Notebook.

Tutorial: Developing with Databend using Python

Before you start, make sure you have successfully installed a local Databend. For detailed instructions, see Local and Docker Deployments.

Step 1. Prepare a SQL User Account

To connect your program to Databend and execute SQL operations, you must provide a SQL user account with appropriate privileges in your code. Create one in Databend if needed, and ensure that the SQL user has only the necessary privileges for security.

This tutorial uses a SQL user named 'user1' with password 'abc123' as an example. As the program will write data into Databend, the user needs ALL privileges. For how to manage SQL users and their privileges, see

GRANT ALL on *.* TO user1;

Step 2. Write a Python Program

In this step, you'll create a simple Python program that communicates with Databend. The program will involve tasks such as creating a table, inserting data, and executing data queries.

You will use the databend-py library to create a client instance and execute SQL queries directly.

  1. Install databend-py.
pip install databend-py
  1. Copy and paste the following code to the file
from databend_py import Client

# Setting secure=False means the client will connect to Databend using HTTP instead of HTTPS.
client = Client('user1:abc123@', port=8000, secure=False)

client.execute("CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS bookstore")
client.execute("USE bookstore")
client.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS booklist(title VARCHAR, author VARCHAR, date VARCHAR)")
client.execute("INSERT INTO booklist VALUES('Readings in Database Systems', 'Michael Stonebraker', '2004')")

_, results = client.execute("SELECT * FROM booklist")
for (title, author, date) in results:
print("{} {} {}".format(title, author, date))
client.execute('drop table booklist')
client.execute('drop database bookstore')

# Close Connect.
  1. Run python
Readings in Database Systems Michael Stonebraker 2004